
中驰,封条锁行业的市场领跑者。作为专业的行业安全产品及解决方案供应商,中驰针对电 力、金融、物流、计量、邮政、能源、通讯、超市等行业提供的安全产品,已令“中驰”成为中国在铅封、封条锁行业的制造专家。中驰公司以人才为基础,致力自 有品牌与渠道建设的发展;公司的前身是创办于 1986 年的家庭式小作坊逐渐发展,成为规范化、制度化的现代企业;由最初的手工生产单一的铅封豆,到如今我们拥有从封条锁的原材料、模具、部件到成品生产全能配 套的、自动化的生产流水线设备和功能齐全的、电子计算机控制的封条锁性能检测设备;最初的产品仅供应于电力部门,而今天,中驰封条产品广泛应用于金融、物 流、计量、能源、航空、医药、通讯、电力等领域



Chi, seals lock industry''s market leader. As a professional industry safety products and solutions provider, Chi for electricity, finance, logistics, metering, postal services, energy, telecommunications, supermarkets and other industries to provide security products, has made the "Chi" has become China''s seals, seal lock manufacturing industry experts. Chi talent-based company, to develop its own brand and channel construction; the company''s predecessor was founded in 1986, small family workshop evolved to become the standardization and institutionalization of the modern enterprise; from the initial production of a single hand seal beans, but now we have the lock from seals raw materials, molds, parts to finished products supporting versatile, automated production line equipment and fully functional, computer-controlled lock seal performance testing equipment; initial product should only the electricity sector, and today, Chi seal products are widely used in finance, logistics, metering, energy, aerospace, medical, communications, electricity and other fields


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